History 212.1 (CRN 81893)Tue and Thu 3:00-5:05Music 113Office: Faculty Towers 201AInstructor: Dr. SchmollOffice Hours: Tue and Thu 1-3…OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!!!Email: bschmoll@csub.eduOffice Phone: 654-6549

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


1. ARGUE SOMETHING. It is a short essay, but it allows you to make your own particular mark, your own original interpretation of the issue you have studied. 

2. EDIT AND REVISE CAREFULLY! Remember, this is a final draft of a college level essay. There should not be a single typo, simple mistake, confused word, or other basic writing issue. These will be read as sloppy editing; so edit carefully. There are campus resources, like My Writing Lab and the Oasis Tutoring Center, where you can take your paper to get help before the final draft. I strongly recommend carefully revising the essay before turning it in.

In addition, here are a few other writing tips to consider as you revise your essay:

...do not use the word VERY. Seriously, just stop it. Here is an example of how unneeded that word is. If I tell you, the use of very is very annoying, how is very annoying more annoying than just annoying. I know that we use tones with the word very in our spoken word, but in writing it is nothing but a space holder, and a very bad one. So, do not use the word VERY!

...if you use a quote, the punctuation goes inside the quote, like "this." 

...introduce all quotes: According to NBA great Kobe Bryant, "everyone in the league wants to be on my team." See how I told you who was speaking? Introduce all quotes!

I look forward to seeing what you have found in your historical exploration!

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